
Showing posts from August, 2020

Christianity, Politics and CAMA Uproar: A Critical View By Olaogun Michael Sunkanmi

In Nigeria, it is undeniable that most religious leaders have indoctrinated their followers to believe that political participation is abominable.  The above assertion is one of the reasons for our pitiable state as a nation,  yet, we daily complain about the unpalatable state of things in the county with the belief that fasting and prayers can substitute the place of active involvement in politics and governance environment. I have been to churches where it was outrightly condemned that politics is evil, and it is not what a true child of God should be involved. I began to wonder if the preachers actually understood what political participation means. Perhaps they have narrowed down their minds to contesting elective position(s). Even at that, is anything wrong with contesting elections as Christians?  Anything can be sinful if caution is not taken, inclusive of food consumption.  However, for the sake of education, political participation in Nigerian context includes but

Dear YOUTH, who are your friends? By Olaogun Michael Sunkannmi

Who is a friend? ------------------------ According to UK dictionary,  a friend is a person  other than family or spouse or lover whose company one keep and whom one feels affection. It is practically impossible to journey life without friend(s). Even animals keep friends, let alone humans.  God himself understood the purpose of friendship from beginning and that was why Eve was created to keep company with Adam.  The trinity also can be regarded as friends.  Check the account of life, virtually everyone has history with one friend or the other. So, who are your friends? Most youth travel life without paying due attention to the friends they keep, which is the reason many glowing stars have perished in darkness and went into perpetual oblivion. How best you will fulfil destiny is also a function of friend(s)  you keep! Devil has been so smart to make the company with bad influence so easy than it is with good company.  That's why you see young people flow swift

Moment of Sober Reflection For All. By Olaogun Michael Sunkanmi

As you grow daily, always remember you won't be here forever. Why not live well?  Every second draws you closer  to your grave no matter how young or old you may be.   Why not live well?  Always remember that all your deeds, good or bad will remain forever in the anal of history. Why not live well?  If you are so rich and powerful so much that the lives of others matters not to you...  Your end is so near.  Why not live well?  If all you derive pleasure in the pain, oppression  and sorrow of others, remember sorrow awaits you at the end..  Why not live well?  Remember we all shall give accounts of our deeds after death..  Why not live well?  Live as saintly as you can!  End must come for all of us! Live well!

Dear YOUTH, do you want to do EXPLOIT? By Olaogun Michael Sunkannmi

Often, many of us admire great things or people without the willingness to pay the needed sacrifice(s).  Also, we fast and pray for good things to come our way without adequate or no level of preparedness...  Hnnnn..  How possible can that be? Sometimes, answer to our prayers don't come because we lack adequate information that can get our prayers answered per time.  Do you know you will always be the victim of what you don't know? Yes! If you don't know, know today. People who commit themselves to seeking information are people who do exploit(s).. You doubt? Make your findings and possibly prove me wrong. There are several ways to seek information but one of the best and easiest ways is by Reading Books. Yes...  I mean books. You don't still believe? Ok... Let's read Daniel 9:2 (in the first year of his reign I, Daniel, understood by the books) Daniel didn't just pray alone, he committed himself to search for knowledge through reading...  W

International Youth Day: A call for Sober Reflection for Young Africans By Olaogun Michael Sunkanmi

Critically examining the trends in Africa's economic and political structure in the last decade, young Africans continue to suffer the consequences of systemic failure caused by poor leadership style when compared with youth from across other continents.   However, the status quo seems unchanged because of the docility of the youth cluster in the demand for an equitable and just society for all. Reports have shown that youth constitute between 65 to 70% of Africa's population, yet the demographic strength is not being leveraged in order to change the unpalatable situation for gains.  Young people suffer most of the problems confronting Africa, ranging from unemployment to insecurity, poor education system, poor infrastructures, socio-political crises, unlawful detention, extrajudicial killings, and a host of others.  Africa's political environment continues to remain toxic and irritant to the opinion and expression of youth.  The economic space also devours the