Dear YOUTH, who are your friends? By Olaogun Michael Sunkannmi

Who is a friend?
According to UK dictionary,  a friend is a person  other than family or spouse or lover whose company one keep and whom one feels affection.

It is practically impossible to journey life without friend(s). Even animals keep friends, let alone humans. 

God himself understood the purpose of friendship from beginning and that was why Eve was created to keep company with Adam.  The trinity also can be regarded as friends. 

Check the account of life, virtually everyone has history with one friend or the other.
So, who are your friends?

Most youth travel life without paying due attention to the friends they keep, which is the reason many glowing stars have perished in darkness and went into perpetual oblivion.

How best you will fulfil destiny is also a function of friend(s)  you keep!

Devil has been so smart to make the company with bad influence so easy than it is with good company.  That's why you see young people flow swiftly in bad company.

Both God and devil are interested in the type of friends you keep.

God wants the best company for you do you can fulfill destiny.  While devil on the other hand engineer bad friends for you so that your  God's given destiny can be truncated.

Check the life those making meaningful impact around the wold, you will discover they have best of friends around them.
Who are your friends?

1st Corinthians 15:33 "Bad company corrupts good character." NLT.

So, it is important to say that no matter how good your parents and family background may be, if you move with bad friends, it is evidently certain that your destiny will be harmed. 

Don't abuse the liberty of choice to choose what can damn your life irredeemably. 

Do you know you have only one life to live?
Why not live well?

#Note: You can never grow beyond your circle of influence.

Olaogun Michael Sunkanmi,
a creative thinker and writer.
Author of If Africa Will Ever Rise


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