
Showing posts from April, 2021

Speaking: The "Weapon" of Change Makers By Olaogun Michael Sunkanmi

Research the world from  inception, speakers and writers are people who gain command without contestation. The skills make people lord of words and make them a mirror through which others can see things, including the future.  Future? Yes! It was demonstrated in Jesus, Mohahameed, Luther, Castro, Mandela, Obama and lots more. Check records, you will realize that their words are prophetic in nature. It simply means writers are prophets or prophetesses in their respective capacities. However, you cannot be a good speaker or writer without first becoming an addicted_reader. Note: "reading is the only means of intercourse with superior mind".  Mathematically, Reading = Speaking + Writing. As you are aware, readers are leaders. Speaking and Writing are two skills am consciously developing daily. It is not inborn as some perceived it. We came to the world with almost  "empty" intellect. It is out of the content loaded in it that produces what we write and spea

Ladies, Modern "Church" and their "holy spirit" by Olaogun Michael Sunkanmi

There is a great evil parading the 21st century church, daily gaining dominance with probably little or no caution. The evil is gradually turning the places of worship to a place of distraction and self "commercialization", not only to congregants but also to church leaders. The evil is/has gained legal backup and now very acceptable to the society.  What is the Evil?  The culture of dressing by some sisters/ladies to the fellowship of brethren.  Story: Recently, I visited a church and in my usual way, I observed things as the service progressed. It was time for testimony and people came out to tell of what God has done for them. Along the line, attention got centred on a particular lady whose chest was almost totally opened and her cleavages well "advertised". With her style of dressing, was 100% sure she can't bend to pick anything on the ground.  As she gave her testimony, in her words.... "I want to thank God for my life and for the salvation of my

Nigeria and the Journey to 2023 by Olaogun Michael Sunkanmi

Here are some of things we must critically look out for in every #contestant if me must make headway as a nation as we journey to 2023: 1. Age 2. Pedigree 3. Health Status  4. Track Records 5. Mental Alertness 6. Academic Qualifications The aforementioned has cost Nigeria years possible unrecoverable retrogression. And if care is not taken, if usual factor(s), such as religious and ethnic affiliation remains the determinant factor,  Nigerians should be ready to journey another years progressive backwardness.  Olaogun Michael Sunkanmi Nation Builder and Public Affairs Analyst