Reflection: Power of the Right Foundation

By Olaogun Michael 

Bible Verse- Psalms 11:3

The rise or the fall of man or any nation is rooted in the attention given to its foundation. Foundation is the bedrock of every destiny. 

For better understanding, let us make a breakdown of the topic into three words that make it up.

Power: The ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way.

Right: morally good, justified, or acceptable.

Foundation: An underlying basis or principle.

With the understanding and combination of the three words above, the essence of life may be rightly defined. So the Right Foundation can simply be put as being deliberate at building a good platform for life's construction. 

If there is a Right Foundation, it means there is also a Bad or Faulty Foundation. However, choice makes the two so different.

Right Foundation should be applicable to all areas of life; education, marriage, health, governance, business etc. The essence of life is destroyed when the Right Foundation is not built. Building Right Foundation also is a function of time.

Example: A man of 30 or 40 years cannot wake up in the morning to say he wants to become a wrestler or runner. He will fail perpetually, why?; Such a path requires early life preparation at age 15 or 16 years. So if success must be attained in life, one must be deliberate at building a Right Foundation that can withstand such race and the test of time.

You can't lay a foundation for a duplex and then decide to build a skyscraper.  No!  It is not possible. In such a scenario, calamity is inevitable.

Note: Right Foundation is not what you wish for. It requires a high level of deliberateness. In whatever path you have chosen, if you want to emerge as a force, you must be ready to pay the very ultimate price by building a Right Foundation that others can even lean on.  

You must first count your cost!

There are several characters, dead and living who made good out of life because an RF was laid.

Example: Daniel, Joseph, Jesus, Mandela, Lee’ Yew,  Rockefeller, Kenneth Hagin, and many others. Why must your story be different?

What are the basic things that can help in building Right Foundation? 

They are:

 1. Strong willpower

2. Commitment to the knowledge quest

3. Positive mindset

4. Early discovery of purpose.

5 Seeking God's help among others

It is never too late to return to the drawing board to reset your thinking and reconstruct your foundation if you had it faulty. Your name must be mentioned in high places. Wake-up!

In summary, nature will count both those who succeed and otherwise. What will make a difference?; Right Foundation. See you at the top.

Remain blessed!


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